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Two Goats and a Donkey!

Friday, May 24, 2024

Hello my lovelies! Eight days have elapsed since I last said hello, and I think that's not quite so bad! Since then, I've had a birthday! Oh my! I've turned 39 once again! I won't say how many times I've turned that proverbial 39! Hehe! No, I'm an old man - I turned 57 years old. 😲 Flabbergasts the mind, it does! How in the world have I lived for half a century plus 7 years? Crazy!

Per the banner at the top of the page, there is going to be a Beetlejuice 2! It's going to star Jenna Ortega, who you may remember as Wednesday Addams in the Netflix show, Wednesday, as well as Michael Keaton, Winona Ryder, and Catherine O'Hara, three of the original cast members! So exciting! It's a shame Gina Davis won't be in it, though. But you can't win them all! I'm just glad they're finally doing a sequel to it! Hopefully all this time waiting for it means it will be really good!

Well, I'm on the last day of my vacation. I still have tomorrow and Sunday, but it's sad that the vacation time went by so fast. I definitely needed the downtime after working 11 hours Friday, Monday, and Tuesday! Not to mention 9 hours Saturday! I used to look forward to going in to work.... But not going to focus on that, I'm going to focus on the positive things! I've been decorating lately with my Hot Wheels by hanging them on the walls. I procured some plastic protectors for my Treasure Hunts (and the one Super Treasure Hunt I currently have), so I don't have to worry about the cards being bent or damaged in any way, and although I don't have a picture of them, they've been hung on the wall as well. I've also decided to redirect the eBay listings I have for Gary's Hot Wheels Treasure Hunts, taking down the lots and listing them separately instead. Maybe that will work better? Only time will tell on that.

Last Sunday, I mowed the yard. And of course I had adventures with my mower! The first big adventure I had are the first 3 images below, where I got too close to a blue tarp and it wrapped around my mower blades, stalling out the mower! I had a very fun time getting that loose, and finally had to drive the mower slightly up an old raised flowerbed (the planks along the sides have completely rotted out) to give myself room to reach up under there and get the tarp out. Fun stuff! But I finally managed to get that out, only a short time later to run over square cinderblock that was in the backyard. I knew it was there (just like I knew the tarp was there), but got too close, ran over it, and got the mower stuck. It wasn't as difficult getting out of that predicament, though, so I was able to resume my mowing pretty quickly! Steve says I'm hell on mowers, and he just may be right! Shhh, don't tell him that! Fortunately, he would sooner die than read all of my wordiness, so he'll never see that comment! 😂😇 I've also been taking a lot of pictures of my flowers, as you will see below! I'm trying to get back into enjoying my plants, and I think I've come a long way towards that. Again, time will tell!

Also, you'll see not only the Super Treasure Hunt (or $uper Trea$ure Hunt, as it's sometimes written), but just before those three pictures you'll see a Greenlight Terminator police car that I grabbed from Target. I'd seen online that it was a "chase" car (meaning a car that is very low mintage that everyone is "chasing" after), so I ran over to Target where I had remembered seeing it, and it was still there. Of course, now that it's mine, I saw that the actual "chase" cars for that one are the ones with colored tire rims, either blue, green, or red. And of course the one I got has just the basic rims! But I'm glad I have it anyway, the Terminator series is one of my absolute favorite line of movies, and the car is cool to boot!

Also, I got new glasses! It's about time! I went to the eye doctor just over 2 weeks ago, and Steve bought me the glasses as my birthday present. They came in 2 days ago and I've been trying to adjust to them since I got them. I can see a difference, but not a huge one, between my old ones and these new ones. I'm thinking once I adjust it'll be better, though, since I could barely see out of the old ones at all! You'll see 2 images below of my new specs!

As before, I separated the male model pictures onto a second page, click here to see the eye candy. Enjoy!

Ok, short entry, but I just realized I need to go water the afforementioned plants! Oh, and before I go, that last image below is a screenshot of the interior of one of my favorite houses in Skyrim. I need to play that again soon! Also, since they were unable to join us last Saturday night for my birthday meal, Blaise and Shane are taking me out for dinner tonight, so I need to start getting ready for that before too long as well. Ian and Steve will be down probably around 8:00, so we'll go to DQ then, so it's going to be a full evening! Anyway, take care and I'll "see" you next time around! Love ya!


©George Booth, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, All Rights Reserved. You do not have permission to copy photos, articles, videos, or anything else from this site without written permission by me. Questions or concerns can be emailed to me, George Booth.

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