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Two Goats and a Donkey!![]() Sunday, August 18, 2024 T'is late on Sunday as I write this up, and it's been a great weekend! Friday night started off with a trip to Dairy Queen to meet up with Steve and Ian after I got off work. Friday itself was a terribly busy day at work, and I wasn't able to keep up with the text messaging going on between us until after we closed down the store and I then saw that they were already over at the restaurant. I got over there as soon as I could, but boy, was I dragging! I've been so tired this past week, and Friday by the end of my shift, I could barely function. But I managed to get the DQ, and being with my guys helped to recharge my battery somewhat. As I write this, I still feel completely exhausted, but I'm making it lol. Oh, and to address the header image above, I love that someone did this with Kamala, since too many images of the Antichrist (Trump) are displayed in a similar way. I feel this one is much closer to the actual mark!Saturday, we went to breakfast and then did something unconventional - we went to a big, old cemetary that is on the way to downtown Hattiesburg, on Hardy Street, down near the high school. Ian had just gotten his Wednesday doll this past week, so we decided he needed a venue for some photoshoots with her, and with it being Wednesday, what better way to showcase her than with a graveyard? There are some interesting old graves, tombs, and mausoleums out there. Lots of pictures below to show them off! One very interesting mausoleum has a carved marble door that, when unlocked, swings outward. I wonder if the key even still exists anywhere? Afterwards, we just drove around downtown for a bit, then drove the back way into Petal, stopped at The Dapper Wolf antique store, then headed on to lunch at the Food Court in the mall in Hattiesburg before heading home, where I could spend some time with Cooper before heading in to work. Work Saturday wasn't quite as exhausting as Friday, so I wasn't dragging too badly when I got home. I'd ordered a pizza for Ian and Steve, which they picked up after shopping, so they'd already eaten by the time I got home. I had some pizza, and then we just hung out for a little bit until Steve wanted to go get some ice cream at Sonic. We headed over there, had some milkshakes, and then came back home, going to bed shortly thereafter. This morning, we had breakfast, then went to Home Depot, where Steve asked me to order some flooring for his rental house. However, I guess because my name was on the order, his credit card was declined, and then it was declined again when he tried using it actually in the store. He called and got it straightened out afterwards, but it never should have gotten to that point in the first place. It's certainly not the first time we've used his card under my name. But who knows? After that, we went to Taco Bell for lunch, then we were going to go to Sam's so Steve could get some Ritz Crackers he needed, but Ian wanted to go to TJ Maxx, and there just wasn't time to do both. Fortunately, I had some Ritz Crackers here at home that he could take with him. Ok, pics! The very first pic below is of some cute stuff dogs wearing Halloween costumes that I saw at Target. I couldn't afford them right then (they're $3 each, and I want all $3, but money has become very tight for the time being), but I'll probably end up getting them, maybe next month or at least by the first of October, if they're not gone by then. Next are 14 pictures of the Notorious C, aka, Cooper. He's such a little ham! Then some pics at McDonald's Saturday morning, of Wednesday and Steve. The next 65 (!) pics are at the cemetary. Lots of details and faded glory to be had there! The next image is at The Dapper Wolf; it's the punch cups and a punch bowl base for a carnival glass punch bowl set. I haven't looked up the pattern yet, as those spinwheels and such hold little interest for me. I much prefer other patterns, but it was pretty, although who knows if you could find the punch bowl to go with it. Then we have 5 more images of Cooper from last night. The next 2 are from Home Depot this morning. My living room doesn't have a central ceiling light, so I've thought about putting up a ceiling fan (for the last 10 years), and like this one that doesn't cost an arm and a leg, so I may see about getting this one installed. Next are four pictures of Cooper sleeping with me this afternoon while I played some Minecraft. The remaining four images are ones from McDonald's that I played around with on an editing app on my phone. And last, but not least, is a male model that I am doing a feature page on, Caylan Hughes. Be sure to check him out! As before, I separated the male model pictures onto a second page, click here to see the eye candy. Enjoy! I also got a new mouse, since I have what's known as "Mouse Arm", so I got an ergonomic mouse for it. And then I just had a meltdown, because I couldn't find a vital piece of the setup, the USB communicator! After a frantic phone call to Steve, who also called Ian, and a frantic search around the house, I finally discovered it was stuck up the ass of the mouse! lol Alrighty, that's it for now! Have a great rest of the weekend, and a great few days until I post again! George |